# Define SciTE settings for Assembler files (IA32 MASM and NASM) # Originally by Black Horus blackhorus@gmx.net 2002 # Updated by Kein-Hong Man mkh@pl.jaring.my 2003-10 # Masm files file.patterns.asm=*.asm filter.asm=Assembler (asm)|$(file.patterns.asm)| lexer.$(file.patterns.asm)=asm # these keywords are taken from ... cpu_instruction=adc add and bit call ccf cp cpd cpdr cpi cpir \ cpl daa dec di djnz ei ex exx exa exd halt im in inc ind indr \ ini inir jp jr ld ldd lddr ldi ldir neg nop or otdr otir \ out outd outi pop push res ret reti retn rl rla rlc rlca \ rld rr rra rrc rrca rrd rst sbc scf set sla sra srl sub xor register=a b c d e f h l r i ixh ixl iyh iyl lx hx ly hy xl xh \ yl yh af af' hl bc de sp ix iy z nz nc pe m # masm directives directive=cseg dseg xseg aseg user segment gbz80 assert byte \ abyte abytec abytez word block dword d24 org map equ align \ module z80 size textarea msx else export display end \ include incbin binary inchob inctrd insert savesna savehob \ savebin emptytrd savetrd appendtap emptytap shellexec if \ ifn output define defarray ifdef ifndef macro struct dc dz \ db dm dw ds dd defb defw defs defd defm endmod endmodule \ endmap rept dup disp phase ent unphase dephase page \ encoding labelslist endif endt endm edup endr ends ifused \ ifnused lua endlua device zxspectrum48 zxspectrum128 \ scorpion256 atmturbo512 none slot savetap directive_operand=and break do else elseif end false for \ function if in local nil not or repeat return then true \ until while low high keywords.$(file.patterns.asm)=$(cpu_instruction) $(cpu_instruction2) keywords3.$(file.patterns.asm)=$(register) keywords4.$(file.patterns.asm)=$(directive) $(directive_nasm) keywords5.$(file.patterns.asm)=$(directive_operand) $(directive_operand_nasm) comment.block.asm=; # Assembler Styles # style.asm.32=back:#3f3f3f,fore:#dcdccc style.asm.32=back:#000000,fore:#0044ee,bold style.asm.32=back:#303030,fore:#62CCFF,bold # Default # style.asm.0= style.asm.0= # Comment # style.asm.1=fore:#7f9f7f style.asm.1=fore:#008800 style.asm.1=fore:#7DFF61 # Number # style.asm.2=fore:#8cd0d3 style.asm.2=fore:#00eeee style.asm.2= # String # style.asm.3=fore:#cc9393 style.asm.3=fore:#ff77cc style.asm.3=fore:#E361FF # Operator # style.asm.4=fore:#9393cc,bold style.asm.4=fore:#9393cc,bold style.asm.4= # Identifier # style.asm.5= style.asm.5= # CPU instruction # style.asm.6=fore:#ffcfaf style.asm.6=fore:#8cd0d3,bold style.asm.6=fore:#ffffff,bold # Register # style.asm.8=fore:#b5b411 style.asm.8=fore:#ffff99 style.asm.8=fore:#f2f2f2 # assembler Directive # style.asm.9=fore:#00d9bc,bold style.asm.9=fore:#CF9A67,bold style.asm.9=fore:#FF9461,bold # assembler Directive Operand # style.asm.10=fore:#00d9bc style.asm.10=fore:#CF9A67 style.asm.10=fore:#FF9461 command.build.$(file.patterns.asm)=$(SciteDefaultHome)\tools\sjasmplus-win32-1.07-rc7\sjasmplus $(FileNameExt) command.go.$(file.patterns.asm)=$(SciteDefaultHome)\tools\SPIN07\ZXSpin $(FileDir)\$(FileName).tap command.compile.$(file.patterns.asm)=$(SciteDefaultHome)\tools\US0373\unreal-p4 $(FileName).trd command.name.1.$(file.patterns.asm)=sna command.shortcut.1.$(file.patterns.asm)=F6 command.1.$(file.patterns.asm)=$(SciteDefaultHome)\tools\US0373\unreal-p4 $(FileName).sna command.name.0.*.asm=Link command.0.*.asm=link $(FileName) statement.indent.$(file.patterns.asm)=9 .if