IRIS Ultrademo Rebuilt By drbars
posted by nix./site
The original IRIS Ultrademo was shown on Enlight '97 outside the compo and in fact was glitchy as hell. A lot later, drbars decided to rebuild it from the source code available on Open Source ZX, so now it has smaller size and more adequate data loading for every part. If you're still unfamiliar with IRIS, I've gotta tell you that there's a lot of parts here, so be extremely patient while watching this. :)
Tape version coming up!
drbars перекомпилировал старое-престарое Iris Ultrademo из имеющихся исходников, адекватизировав загрузчик, адаптировав мультколор под ZX Evolution и сократив размер на 102 килобайта. Качаем и смотрим.
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