SAVE "" now saves to the current program name
PRINT now obeys the ORIGIN command's function for text placement with AT
Significant speedups in handling arrays
CLIP OFF - turn off global clipping
OUT - send text output to a variable (OUT var$), a stream (OUT stream-id) or the default screen (OUT SCREEN)
OUT can be embedded in a PRINT or TEXT command
INV n, UNDER, POLYTERM and COMPSIMPSON maths functions as requested
Improved the speed that statements containing DATA and LABEL are executed (or rather, aren't executed!)
FOR EACH n IN [1,2,3] will loop three times and set n to 1, 2 and 3 with each run through. Also works for strings - FOR EACH n$ IN ["a" TO "z"] for example
LIST now works as per Mallard BASIC ( LIST TO 100, LIST 50 TO 100, LIST 100 TO )
CAT can now recurse directories if you so choose - CAT "filespec" ALL
Python-style string multiplication - 2*"Hello" will create the string "HelloHello"
Full list of changes available at the WOS.
March 12th, 2013 - 21:25
на басице, кстати, неплохо б некоторые программы напейсать.
остальное – слегка отрыжка
March 12th, 2013 - 18:45
>ну как зачем? не ужели ты никогда не мечтал попИсать на басице?)
Никогда не мечтал, тем более на пейсюке. Я чо, укуренный шоле?
March 12th, 2013 - 18:06
ЭЛВЭДЭ>о май gud, щитойта и зачем оно?
ну как зачем? не ужели ты никогда не мечтал попИсать на басице?)
March 11th, 2013 - 17:03
список новофич.
March 11th, 2013 - 16:42
о май gud, щитойта и зачем оно?