Download it at the official site.
SCALE to PRINT and TEXT. PRINT SCALE 2,2;"Hi!" will display 2x text size. SCALE 2,3 will do 2x width and 3x height
MATRIX maths with the MAT command from the original Dartmouth spec. Add, sub, mul, scale, inversion, identities etc
BIN from Sinclair BASIC makes an entrance. Pointless (use the % symbol to denote binary) but included for completeness
Dynamic array allocation - DIM a() - note the empty brackets, then just use it. Elements are added as they are written to the array in the positions you choose
Factorial operator - PRINT 3! displays 6. High priority. PRINT 2+3! shows 8, as does PRINT 3!+2
LCM(a,b) and GCD(a,b) functions - Lowest common multiple and greatest common divisor.
August 6th, 2013 - 20:25
Охренеть. с какого перепугу такие нововведения?