
Sam Can Do It Too! [SAM Coupé]

posted by TecSoft

Sam Coupe 512k.

Idea & code: Sir David.
Gfx: Ziutek/ESI, Sir David.
Music: Yerzmyey/HPRG.

Download the demo.

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsjTpFR0oYQ

    can anyone help – the screens on this that blend more than one image
    can we try to use mode 3 interlaced with hmpr bit 5&6 clut modifications per scan line
    if you run the code that modifies hmpr/clut in internal ram you can only manage 9 OUT’s per scan line – if you run the code in external 1mb paged in above 32,768 you should be able to manage 18 changes per scan line – this has to be pretty foto real – also lets hope someone persuades busy et al to add the DMA from the MB-02+ interface to the sam coupe like velesoft thinks he can(without the accelerator still…!) HELP how do i contact the programmer of this fantastic demo please

  2. Ziuter/ESI


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