
DiHalt Lite 2016 results

posted by Alone Coder

Official results v1.0

[ HiEnd Tracker Music ]

1. 6.19 Golden Submarine / Manwe ^ SandS
2. 5.95 Stranger / Oleg Dunaev
3. 5.29 Unober / nsmpr

[ HiEnd MP3/OGG Music ]

1. 6.32 Сarribean choko / WayBe
2. 5.90 bananafish / mitchell & fragle
2. 5.90 tetra / n1k-o
3. 5.60 Back Alley Battles / Animehaus ^ RSi
4. 5.50 Dragon's Lair / JeRrS
5. 5.05 overawire / Shiru
6. 4.66 Gone Tunefishin' / Kerrazzy

[ HiEnd Gfx ]

1. 6.47 Котя / Vassa
2. 6.13 light snow / Rainman ^ deMarche
3. 4.02 Ёбтлко / Ansy

[ Realtime Paint Over ]

1. 7.87 Inside my dreams / nodeus
2. 5.71 Заправка шагающего корабля / John Norton Irr
3. 4.22 На юпитере / Kakos_nonos

[ Realtime LowEnd Coding ]

1. 5.69 Tollel / g0blinish
2. 5.50 Mad Lame Attribute Tunnel / tiboh

[ ZX Spectrum Realtime Music ]

1. 7.86 Hibernation / MmcM ^ Sage
2. 6.61 did it twice / nq ^ skrju
3. 5.32 Crazy Jesus / Quiet

[ Realtime LowEnd Gfx ]

1. 7.41 Clausman Returns - The Revenge of Deerman / moroz1999
2. 6.23 Happy MARVEL / nodeus
3. 6.10 Spider Jerusalem Says / Anonymous
4. 5.33 Fireworks / Vassa
5. 3.05 Проблемы новогодних мероприятий в Marvel / Kakos_nonos

[ ZX Spectrum Realtime 53с Graphics ]

1. 6.62 Run. XY-7769-8546-542-22. run! / apeape
2. 5.90 robolympics / moroz1999
3. 5.75 Competition of the Jedi (May the Force be with you) / Marinova Aleksandra
4. 5.54 Желтый! Розовый! / rnR 7E0
5. 5.38 Синхронное плавание в жидком азоте / Kakos_nonos
6. 5.24 Hello to prof4d / moroz1999
7. 5.22 ожидание / John Nortom Irr
8. 4.79 Футбол в космосе / Kakos_nonos
9. 4.68 wallking olimpiade / John Norton Irr
10. 4.17 virtual 2216 / Flast
11. 4.11 Накаченные пальцы / Flast
12. 4.00 особенности нац. олимпиады / Rainman ^ deMarche
13. 3.21 Гара Алимпъ 2216 / rnR 7E0
14. 3.08 Olympic games: LVDildo 2216 / g0blinish

[ ZX Spectrum Beeper Music ]

1. 6.70 Struggle / Shiru
2. 6.14 Frozen Flames / utz ^ irrlicht project
3. 5.89 Sinichka / AER
4. 5.71 Space Beeps / Tufty
5. 4.93 Red Sector Intro / Abrimaal
6. 4.93 Bourrasques / Garvalf

[ ZX Spectrum AY/YM-Music ]

1. 7.45 Winter Frosts / MmcM ^ Sage
2. 6.78 Dream Catcher / Quiet
3. 6.00 losing the reason / scalesmann ^ march[ing]_cats
4. 5.47 XCSPRCSS / kubikami
5. 4.81 Malinovka_Moroz / AER
6. 4.41 Joy in Sadness / Garvalf
7. 4.40 House with the ghosts / white noise

[ LowEnd Graphics ]

1. 7.41 Miracle / Leon ^ Singular Crew / Chorus / Resource
2. 6.80 ZX Moonwalking / Vassa
3. 6.50 Masked Avenger / dman ^ Placebo
4. 6.27 Nutcracker / Tzerra
5. 4.78 after / John Norton Irr
6. 4.31 Снеговик / Lilka
7. 3.73 Изгой / g0blinish
8. 2.98 IntoNY16 / AER

[ LowEnd 1K Intro ]

1. 5.90 zorba / g0blinish

[ LowEnd Demo ]

1. 7.75 Happy New Dihalt / Excess team
2. 6.94 UnShored demo / Outsiders
3. 6.63 disco bears / eYe-Q & Fishbone
4. 5.00 Happy New Year 2016 / dman ^ Placebo
5. 4.14 Hype New Year 2016 / AAA
6. 4.04 giftro2016 / Den Popov & g0blinish

[ LowEnd Enhanced Demo ]

1. 7.87 Vectorize / Red Sector Inc.
2. 5.75 ZX Enhanced ROXX / Consciousness
3. 4.98 Happy New Year 2k16 2TS / Buyan & Splinter

[ HiEnd 16mb Demo ]

1. 5.16 Enhanced Wild / nodeus
2. 4.86 PupilDemo#1 / MAN_OpenGL_GROUP
3. 3.86 ADEMO / Flast


DiHalt Lite 2016 (9-10th January) is on its way!

posted by ЭЛВЭДЭ

For the third time DiHalt Lite will be carried somewhere in the suburbs near Nizhny Novgorod in Russia. The visitors will enjoy warm atmosphere inside while it's snowing outdoors, everybody will be supplied with food, barbeque and sauna (and rumors say that there will be even swimming pool!).

Moreover, the extensive demoscene program is also there: there will be traditional PC/Amiga and LowEnd/8bit compos, including demo compo, 1k intro compo and various gfx and music ones. There is also an innovation: now we have "LowEnd enhanced" category that includes bare Amiga500/600 and Amiga1200 machines and comparables.

Besides that, realtime compos, such as PaintOver or LowEnd gfx and coding will also happen. One of the most democratic realtimes is ZX Spectrum 53 colour compo, where you draw 32x24 attribute picture. You can use this online editor to draw and submit -- and there is still much time to practise!

Last thing worth mentioning is our (well not really our -- this is quite common system along russian demoparties now, provided by nyuk) online voting system -- with anybody allowed to vote!