
ArtField 2016 results + pack

posted by Vinnny

Extreme Spectrum Graphics
1 343 7.46 Asteria by musminimus
2 286 6.22 Givi in da clash by DenisGrachev
3 261 5.80 audi by AndyD

Realtime Graphics 53c
1 320 8.21 Where is my mind? by Marinova Aleksandra
2 297 7.62 dog by Buddy
3 254 6.86 Indian elephant by Buddy
4 257 6.76 numero uno by moroz1999
5 253 6.49 RoboRabbit by Dovakin
6 222 6.00 i like a nature! by wbr
7 226 5.95 ZX-Smile by wbr
8 220 5.95 geeks-invaders by apeape^Outsiders
9 187 5.34 tvgirl by Shuran33
10 169 4.57 numero dos by moroz1999

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