
Sundown 2009 Results and Releases [updated]

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Oldschool Graphics
01 137 Save The Animals - TmK / deMarche
02 136 Animeeshon - riskej / simbols, retroworks, samar prod
03 108 Weeee - Mermaid / Vision

04 104 Dog - Kasik / Sinclair Club
05 84 Scientist - spiny / torment

01 96 Beer and Bass - cTrix / Syntax
02 88 erotique prelude - dJuZzz... (Justinas)
03 72 Waiting for sundown - ne7/triad

04 65 In the middle of end - rnR/T.A.D.
05 53 Diagnos - EviL/GLenZ

Oldschool Demo
01 143 Ahh... the tape loading era! - Ate Bit
02 114 VIA - Neurotypical
03 105 Spectrumori-on - Gasman / Hooy-Program

04 97 Have you seen our coder anywhere ?! - torment
05 96 Ruairi Says Rectum - Raww Arse
06 95 Somewhat Less Limited Capabilities - Noice
07 81 BSPAB - 4mat/ATEbit
08 60 Something Strange - Andy and Dave of RCM

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