Brand New Game: Air Supply SOS (Save Our Sheep) [iOS]
Quantum Sheep recently released a game hugely influenced by Jetpac.
It's called 'Air Supply SOS (Save Our Sheep) and you can see a video of it here.
And a review from Touch Arcade here:
All the music in the game is made on actual ZX Spectrums by Yerzmyey.
Einar Saukas и mister BEEP выпустили новую головоломку ZEN. Задача - соединить разрозненные части в одно целое. В игре огромное количество уровней, 5 саундтреков, для работы подойдёт даже Spectrum 16k, исходники прилагаются.
Elite — 30 years
С небольшим опозданием, но всё же разрешите отметить юбилей самой известной игры всех времён и народов на ретро-компьютерах - Elite. Началось всё 30 лет назад в Кембридже, когда два студента David Braben и Ian Bell решили сделать масштабный проект на тему космического симулятора, с вооружёнными столкновениями, торговлей, чёрным рынком, космическими пиратами. Всё это удалось разместить в 48kb памяти. Релиз состоялся 20 сентября.
AGD v4.6 ZX, v1.4 CPC
Jonathan Cauldwell выпустил новую версию конструктора игр Arcade Game Designer для ZX-Spectrum и Amstrad CPC. Исправлены ошибки.
ZXDS v1.3.1
Patrik Rak выпустил свежую версию эмулятора ZXDS для консоли Nintendo DS.
- Добавлена эмуляция ULA+ для всех моделей Sinclair и Amstrad.
- Поддержка всех типов 3.5" DD +3DOS дисков.
- Исправлены ошибки.
Burial Graphics Editor 3.06b
Native gfx editor for ZX Spectrum was finally updated, following the suggestions made by the community (see Info Guide #6).
New features include:
* mouse is on by default
+ transparent colours by default
* default brush mode is OR, not AND
+ chunky brushes make perfect textures now!
+ crosshair cursor in Magnify
+ both mouse buttons draw in Magnify (RMB is AND)
+ ‘I’ button in Magnify to invert the character
+ when you are asked to overwrite a file, the filename is shown
ZX-Paintbrush 2.5 Published
1. Bugfix: The new tool clone last drawn figure had no link to the context help.
2. Here some suggestions from kgmcneil:
2.1. With a new toggle function toggle overlay display you can hide an existing overly (it's still present but it's not displayed). This toggle function can be executed by pressing the 'O' key.
2.2 Implemented another raster edit to let the user adjust the X- and Y-raster independently.
2.3 Implemented a user-defined grid that can be used in addition to the pixels- and character grid.
2.4 Implemented a way for drawing with images. To perform this, a double-click on an existing overlay now draws it on the screen.
3. Implemented a 'remove capture' icon that removes an active capture object which was not easy
4. Bugfix: The utility "convert colour overlay to pixels only overlay" changed the position of the resulting overlay to top-left corner of the screen. Now it calculates the last position without attribute sizes and stays on its position.
5. Merging a colour overlay now does it the same way: The selection rectangle is not longer expanded to the full attribute area.
6. The holding of x or y cursor position is now performed with the
7. Einar Saukas suggested another algorithm for the "import picture" tool. Now, on a 2-color attribute field (8x8 or one of the others), the darker colour becomes INK and the brighter becomes PAPER.
Brand New Game: MultiDude
Denis Grachev presents his new game — MultiDude.
Download the original version or download the TS-Conf version.
Brand New Game: Thro’ The Wall [ZX81]
Author: Psion game port to z88dk
Release Date: 2014-09-23
Requirements: 16K, optionally WRX
Description: Breakout clone.
The review of the excellent game, a must for any Spectrum fan. One of the true gems in the Speccy library – as close to perfection as you’re likely to get...
The Spectrum Show #33
In this episode we get all the Sinclair news and top selling Spectrum games from October 1985. We try to compare the masses of frogger clones, we review some older games, take a look at a newer title, pay a visit to type in corner, give you some playing tips and end with my demo of the month.