Monochrome #5
Поскольку все подписчики журнала Monochrome уже получили пятый номер в бумажном виде, Yerzmyey выложил его PDF-версию в общий доступ. Журнал посвящён компьютеру ZX81. Читаем!
Brand New Game: Flappy Bird ZX
The game by Rafał Miazga. Music by Bear/MHCG.
Press space to go up faster and faster, release space to fall down, that's all. There is also a lot of inertia so you'll need some practice.
If you know the original Flappy Bird (who doesn't) you'll see that the game mechanics are a bit different from the original.
Brand New Game by Retroworks: The Charm
This is a brand new game, based on an original from 1991. Graphics have been updated, keeping part of the original version.
Program: Antonio Carayol Martínez (Acme).
Design - Music: Juan Carlos Soriano R. (Mikomedes).
SpudACE v0.317 Released
ADDED: Check the Edit ROM menu item to be able to edit the ROM.
ADDED: Onscreen keyboard.
ADDED: Added extra suffixes for Spool file loading ( .ja4, .fs)
FIXED: The Copy, Fill and Find function didn't actually work properly!!
FIXED: If you cancelled load WAV file in WAV browser SpudACE crashed.
REMOVED: OpenGL buttons in Options.
Download the installed version or the zipped file.
Brand New Game: Sun Bucket
You are the Sun Bucket, weird sprite of some considerable repute, and you must use your warm plasma field to switch all the lightbulbs on. Occasionally a lit lightbulb will break and you will usually have to relight one or two per level.
Collect the cans to spell M.O.R.E to get an extra life up to a maximum of 10, after which you get points.
There are 40 levels overall!
ZX DevStudio v1.1.0
Появился новый эмулятор Спетрума ZX DevStudio. Главное отличие от остальных - точная эмуляция тайминга Пентагона. Среди прочего автор ставит для себя следующие цели:
1. Максимально точная эмуляция
2. Отладчик с богатыми возможностями отладки
3. Встроенный ассемблер
4. Встроенный интерактивный дизассемблер
Обсудить и скачать бета-версии эмулятора можно тут.
DiHalt 2014 demoparty
Полномасштабное демопати DiHalt в этом году состоится 12-13 июля в Нижнем Новгороде. Платформы: ZX, PC, Amiga. Обстановка: солнце, озеро, природа. Запасаемся хорошим настроением и желанием окунуться с головой в мир кибер-искусства.
Multimatograf X – Official Releases
Official pack:
Demos and intros:
Music online:
Graphics online:
Multimatograf X Results
1Bit ZX Spectrum Music
1. The Invasion / brightentayle 4.43
2. surprisingly NOT four twenty / raphaelgoulart 4.42
3. Acuaca / John Norton Irr 2.17
4. Glass / John Norton Irr 2.04
8bit Chip Music
1. April Going / kotsoft aka d.j. kot 4.53
2. Maybe Next Time / nix./site 4.07
3. Elite knight / VBI 3.95
4. Stayin Alive / Gibson 3.29
5. Sonnacpu / Kakos_nonos 3.20
8Bit Graphics
1. Bear / Dimidrol / Dmitriy Bakhtin 4.70
2. Girl with hat / Vassa 4.55
3. Yoda / prof4d 4.52
4. Wrong Bees / TmK / Alexandr Solodkov [^deMarche][^di:Halt:team] 4.46
5. Game Over 3 / Jose Luis Pendejo 4.25
6. Witches have long hands / Vassa 3.80
7. Dragon attack / shuran33 / Alexandr Budkin 3.52
8. Bart Simpson vs Pacman / g0blinish 3.16
9. curvature of space / John Norton Irr 3.09
10. zxokia / Kakos_nonos 3.02
11. Chemistry phonen / John Norton Irr 3.02
12. Garden / denpopov 2.95
8Bit 256b intro
1. BB / introspec 4.55
2. Crypto / trefi & tiboh (debris) 4.23
3. Down with Rules! / introspec 3.73
4. Rasta / g0blinish 3.71
5. dreamtro / trefdeleev/dreambris 3.70
6. Moving Border / ShaMAN / Ruslan Novikov 3.58
7. Logo MM / bender64 3.46
8. Fake256 / g0blinish 3.34
9. Wire World / denpopov 2.69
10. s256 / shuran33 2.54
11. ColoDrum / VBI 2.52
8Bit Demo
1. RoboCop demo / Kabardcomp & team site 4.51
2. dinvtro / Mr.Scrololo 4.02
3. SmileMF / denpopov & g0blinish 4.00
ZX Spectrum attributes (53c)
1. подснежник / Вадим Кузьмиснкий 4.55
2. Мороженка / Krossvas 4.14
3. Dansing penguin's / AntiBender 4.02
5. если бы диззи был пингвином / TmK 4.00
6. По весне пИнгвины совсем распустились! / K.C. 3.82
7. ping / moroz1999 3.78
8. springuin / hydrogen 3.71
9. Яzь! / Buyan 3.61
10. slide / Анна Кузьминская 3.32
11. Spring love finds yours pinguins / Nuts_ 3.29
12. Пингвин / Егор Стуленков 3.28
13. Весна. Такая весна. / Marinova Alexandra 3.11
14. пингвин на мультиматографе / Наталия Куклина 3.06
15. Зе Линукс борн ;) / AntiBender 2.97
16. spring penguin / square 2.96
17. too HOT / Nuts_ 2.93
18. pingvin changes live / John Norton Irr 2.75
19. Ping Timeout (160 sec) / brightentayle 2.63
20. Green / Kakos_nonos 2.58
21. Southern guest / Jack^Therac25 2.29
22. Vesna is coming / Kakos_nonos 2.16
23. Old Vesn / John Norton Irr 2.13
24. из раннего / Пикассо 2.12
Realtime ZX Graphics
1. rocket raccoon / diver4d 4.79
2. Day at God's service / moroz1999 4.15
3. Енот весь день пил чай с мистером Свином / Vassa 4.02
4. FatEnot / shuran33 3.69
5. And There Were Three Photoshopped Raccoons Or So / brightentayle 3.52
6. За травой / nodeus 3.44
7. Alienot on the enemy planet / Kakos_nonos 1.96
The Spectrum Show Anniversary Special
Its two years since the show first appeared on YouTube, and this show marks that occasion by looking back over the last 24 months.
The Spectrum Show #28
In this episode we take a look at the news from May 1985. We compare arcade clones for one of the all time great blasters - Defender. We review some older games. We take a look at a newer game and end the show with Type-In Corner.
Demoscene on Multimatograf X – Realtime Graphics Compo Theme
The theme for your three-hour picture should be "One day in a life of a raccoon".
Send your stuff to demoscene (at)
Good luck!
Demoscene at Multimatograf X – ZX Graphics Realtime Compo Announcement
On Saturday, from 9:00 to 12:00 GMT, there's going to be a realtime graphics competition going on. The theme will be announced then, and shall be reposted to Speccy Live, so stay tuned!