
The Ninth Fighter-Ship by Mister Beep

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На просьбы протестировать новые движки 1-bit музыки никто из отечественных специалистов этой области не откликнулся. К счастью, друзья с запада исправили это недоразумение.

Вновь с вами Mister Beep, на этот раз радующий нас 9-канальной композицией The Ninth Fighter-Ship на базе нового 1-bit движка OCTODE. Композиция будет работать на стандартном ZX Spectrum 48 без аппаратных доработок и, что радует, записана она с реального железа. Слушаем, пишем комментарии.

Mister Beep:
Another step in ZX Spectrum 48K and its BEEPER music. That's my very first song made with OCTODE engine for a single BEEPER: 8 tones + drums!! :) So we have 9 audible software-channels from one hardware channel of Z80 chip!!! It's A LOT of work for the chip, so the engine has sometimes problems with tunning, however mostly repaired already by the engine programmist - Shiru. It makes the OCTODE the most powerful in 1-bit world. It works on every ZX Spectrum starting from the original model - ZX48K. Another problem is too high level of trebles, so I used some EQ to make them smaller. I suspect the song is rather only for 1-bit fans because it has not so big selectivity but instead it can make a very powerful sound-wall, well-known from the best Tim Follin's 1-bit songs. Recorded from real hardware.

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