
CSS CGC 2013 Officially Open

posted by TecSoft

And for the duration of the year it will live at: www.csscgc2013.blogspot.co.uk.

The comp.sys.sinclair crap games competition started in 1996, when a competition to create the crappest game possible for the Spectrum was decided upon following a suggestion by a visionary known only as 'Blood'.** Inspiration came from the most buttock clenchingly bad compilation ever: The Cascade Cassette 50, the exciting inlay and advert betrayed a sorrowful collection of unplayable BASIC games created by uncredited 14 year olds paid £10 for their trouble (which they possibly used to buy the cassette!).

The competition is in its 18th year and is so highly regarded across the world it has a page on Wikipedia.

Please email your crap games to: cgc2013(at)rocketmail.com.
Official thread at the WOS: http://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42328.

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  1. ответы таки получены. есть время на [s]безделье[/s] кодинг [s]демы[/s]игры.

  2. Оперативно пофиксил, 10x.
    Игры — crap, т.е. как можно более идиотские и говнокодные игры. Насчёт на басике — хз, не вчитывался.

  3. чота я не понял – все игры на Васике пишут?о_О

  4. “the games must be crap” — the news too? Ссылка опять битая.

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