
3BM OpenAir 2013 Is Coming!

posted by diver4d

This year again! 3BM OpenAir 2013 - a tbk4d party, will held at Perm/Russia July 12-14.

There will be the next compos:
- ZX Spectrum combined demo/intro (4 entries estimated)
- ZX Spectrum graphics (5-7 entries estimated)
- ZX Spectrum music (2 entries estimated)
- ZX Spectrum 2-hours realtime themed graphics (5-7 entries estimated)

Send your works until saturday's evening (until 6 p.m. CET / 16.00 GMT) to diver4d (at) gmail.com.
Don't forget to change SCR file extensions to any other, or google will bounce it back.

The participants will be able to vote via e-mail after the compos.

Results will be announced and party entries will be relased later, at sunday.

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