
This is Tritone (New Beeper Music Compilation)

posted by TecSoft

A Battle of the Bits music compilation! All made by nix./site, brightentayle and, most importantly, TK90X Fan! \ ^_^ /

All the songs in here use a beeper engine by Shiru called Tritone, which provides three channels of (variable) tone, a semi-volume control feature and an extra drum channel. It's more awesome than it looks like in this thread - just listen, it's really like Commodore 64's SID in just one bit.

By the way, Mister Beep used Tritone to make the music for Pariboro.

Download the compilation (tap, tzx, trd, hobeta and source code included).


“8-Bit Bach” Up-to-Date

posted by TecSoft

bachFixes of little errors during the performance of several tracks inside the program.

Download the new version (v2.1).

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