Brand New Game: SpaceMerc Prologue
Hippiman (автор игр Innsmouth и Project R.O.B.O.) представляет полную версию первой игры из серии Space Mercenary:
Это походовая Action-RPG с видом от первого лица. Игра состоит из обучающей миссии (в которой подробно рассказывается о премудростях ролевой системы и управления), а также нескольких уровней с уклоном в сторону боевых действий. Мы играем за космического наёмника - охотника за головами - Флая Тарра, который, возвращаясь с очередного задания, неожиданно был взят на абордаж пиратами. О том, как он выбирался из пиратского плена, и повествует SpaceMerc Prologue.
Для запуска игры требуется ATM Turbo 2 (или ZX Evo baseconf, или Pentagon 2.666LE).
The Spectrum Show #35
In this episode we get all the Sinclair news and top selling Spectrum games from December 1985. We explore the evolution of game cover art.
We review Blasteroids, Race Fun and Xanthius, take a look at the new game Altair.
The Spectrum Show #34
In this episode we get all the Sinclair news and top selling Spectrum games from November 1985. We take a look at the Cheetah Rat - an infra-red, wireless joystick.
Brand New Game: Air Supply SOS (Save Our Sheep) [iOS]
Quantum Sheep recently released a game hugely influenced by Jetpac.
It's called 'Air Supply SOS (Save Our Sheep) and you can see a video of it here.
And a review from Touch Arcade here:
All the music in the game is made on actual ZX Spectrums by Yerzmyey.
Einar Saukas и mister BEEP выпустили новую головоломку ZEN. Задача - соединить разрозненные части в одно целое. В игре огромное количество уровней, 5 саундтреков, для работы подойдёт даже Spectrum 16k, исходники прилагаются.
AGD v4.6 ZX, v1.4 CPC
Jonathan Cauldwell выпустил новую версию конструктора игр Arcade Game Designer для ZX-Spectrum и Amstrad CPC. Исправлены ошибки.
Brand New Game: MultiDude
Denis Grachev presents his new game — MultiDude.
Download the original version or download the TS-Conf version.
Brand New Game: Thro’ The Wall [ZX81]
Author: Psion game port to z88dk
Release Date: 2014-09-23
Requirements: 16K, optionally WRX
Description: Breakout clone.
The review of the excellent game, a must for any Spectrum fan. One of the true gems in the Speccy library – as close to perfection as you’re likely to get...
The Spectrum Show #33
In this episode we get all the Sinclair news and top selling Spectrum games from October 1985. We try to compare the masses of frogger clones, we review some older games, take a look at a newer title, pay a visit to type in corner, give you some playing tips and end with my demo of the month.
The Spectrum Show #32
In this episode we get all the latest Sinclair news and top selling Spectrum games from September 1985. It's the second part of our lightgun feature, and we test the Cheetah Defender. We review some older games and a new game. We drop into Type-in corner, we have Playing tips and the Demo Of The Month.
The Spectrum Show #31
It's the new series!
In this episode we get all the latest Sinclair news and top selling Spectrum games from October 1985. We break out the Magnum Light Phaser and put it to the test. We review some older games and a new game. Type-in corner is back. We also have two new sections: Playing tips and Demo Of The Month.
ULAPLUS — finally on your speccy!
This time we present to you, dear user of ZX-Evo, ULAPLUS! You can play re-coloured games now, just download and install fresh new firmware for your ZX-Evo! Don't forget also to update the ROM for best experience!
Got problems? Post about it here. Yes we understand english.
Retro Asylum: CJ in the USA
CJ the elephant returned to the ZX Spectrum in 1989, in a superb follow up to his last outing. This time CJ has to rescue his family who were capture an taken to the USA.
Your Game 5
All games to the "Your Game 5" compo are now submitted and voting has started. It is time for you to vote or to become a sponsor!