Brand New AGD Game: Donkey Kong Reloaded
A little arcade game featuring Mario and his very first enemy: Donkey Kong! Help Mario as he tries to rescue his princess and to defeat the evil Kong!
Download the game at the WOS.
Brand New Game: Pitfall III Wrath of Kingcrock
The new 'divertissement' made by Gabriele with AGD.
The game is a platform affair where you should pick up the four pieces of a Mayan amulet and then get rid of some baddie...
Brand New ZX81 1K HiRes Games
Dr Beep reported that this year he already released 3 games. They are available at with videos on YouTube.
The first 10 games are available since the end of August and after then another 6 games are coded.
Brand New Game by The Mojon Twins: Ramire the Vampire
Control Ramire and help him success in his two missions. Once you get the rearm charm in chapter 1 you will be able to go outside in the daylight, but not for long: check the time remaining in the status bar – when it gets to zero, Ramiro will start burning!
Site link:
The Great Escape: New Loading Screen by Craig Stevenson
The third in his series of classic ZX Spectrum games loading screen re-doings. Watch and vote for it at ZX-Art.
Brand New Game: Zx-PUYO
Another fresh release for the great old ZX81. Author: Philippe DUHAMEL.
Download link:
Brand New Game: Jim Bagley’s ZX81 Racing
Jim Bagley has just released a 16K ZX81 game which uses the WRX high resolution schema.
Download link:
Brand New Game: Intergalactic Space Rescue
The second game for the 16K Speccy is now released. It's a puzzle game with a space theme.
Your skills are needed in the Intergalactic Space Rescue service, where you
will make space a safer place for travellers by locating stricken starships to
rescue their crew and passengers. Navigation in the 1,000 uncharted sectors is
difficult and you'll need all your abilities to complete your important
Reviews of ZX Spectrum Games Past and Present
Here are the unused reviews Alex Ross-Shaw wrote for The Spectrum Games Bible, Super Trux and Draughts Genius are from the 1980s, while the rest are all modern, homebrew releases.
CSS CGC 2013 Officially Open
And for the duration of the year it will live at:
The comp.sys.sinclair crap games competition started in 1996, when a competition to create the crappest game possible for the Spectrum was decided upon following a suggestion by a visionary known only as 'Blood'.** Inspiration came from the most buttock clenchingly bad compilation ever: The Cascade Cassette 50, the exciting inlay and advert betrayed a sorrowful collection of unplayable BASIC games created by uncredited 14 year olds paid £10 for their trouble (which they possibly used to buy the cassette!).
The competition is in its 18th year and is so highly regarded across the world it has a page on Wikipedia.
Please email your crap games to: cgc2013(at)
Official thread at the WOS:
[PentEvo] Uwol, Quest For Money
Вот так тихо и не заметно вышла ещё одна игрушка под альтернативную прошивку TS Labs для Pentagon Evolution. Sergey78 портировал SEGA-версию от Shiru игрушки от MojonTwins - Uwol, Quest for Money.
Управление: стрелки + пробел или Kempston джойстик. Пауза - Enter.
В игре используются хардварные тайлы и спрайты, поэтому для запуска нужна конфигурация TS-Labs rev.618 или новее.
Задать вопросы автору и высказать свои пожелания, вы можете на форуме TS-Labs в соответствующей теме.
UPD: Просьба перекачать архив с игрой, исправлен небольшой глюк.
Скачать без СМС:
Bomberman Evolution
MUGEN Group in association with DELIRIUM TREMENS present a Brand New Game for ZXEvo!
- Incredible 4 stages with 4 bosses and 16 levels!
- Lots of enemies, multi-bonuses, 50fps gameplay.
- Hidden cheat mode, excellent music and graphics.
- Hardware sprites engine is not used.
- Game supported in TSConf revision 01.04.2012.
code: budder[mgn]
gfx: wizard[dt]
music: crash[mgn]
Video: - Trailer - Gameplay
Migrator - Utility for migration to TSConf
WildCommander - Wild Commander Thread
Unreel Spectrum - TS Emulator Thread - Trailer in original quality (50fps)
Brand New Game: Dave Infuriators [SAM] by BlackJet
Dave Infuriators, a Speccy game that was covered here recently, was ported to SAM Coupe by its' author. If you're interested, make sure you visit this site in order to download the game.
Brand New Game: Euphoria 2D by Andrew771
For all you still waiting for a Civilization-like game to come out on Spectrum, here's a little treat from Andrew771, who also made ZXOOM long ago.
Here, you can download Russian and English versions and the source code.
Brand New Game: Dead By Dawn by Malcolm Kirk
Dead By Dawn is a new 3D adventure game heavily inspired after the cult movie called Evil Dead 2: playing as Bruce Charcoal, you need to find twelve pages of a spellbook so you could seal the evil you've accidentally unleashed back. The controls may be a bit unorthodox, so here's a rundown of the game complete with the author's description, controls list and download links.
To make things quick, you can download the original pack or Goodboy's disk version.
Brand New Game: Dave Infuriators by Black Jet
Okay, here's a new platform game from England, which is completely unorthodox to anything you may have played on Spectrum before. It's controlled with only two buttons (spacebar for jumping and M for changing direction), it's full of traps, it's pretty hard to beat the clock or your own record (although that depends on what difficulty you choose).
Download it here.